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Is Fresh Essays Legit?

If you want, jump to our review on our BEST PICK for online essay services at Killer Papers Review – Is Legit?!

Who is Fresh Essays?

Fresh Essays is a Cyprus-based essay writing service, according to their “Contact” page address.

Their main page says they’ve been in business since 2010.

Here is the oldest review we could find on Sitejabber.

If they’ve been around 13 years, why are all their reviews from the past year? If that sounds suspicious to you, good! That means you’re paying attention!

How Much is a Paper?

How long does it take you to earn $50 at your job? Is that worth spending on a 1-page essay written by a foreign writer? Yeah, didn’t think so!

Things to Consider Before Buying a Paper Here:

Why would you even consider paying over $50 for a one-page paper? That’s crazy! Considering it would be written by a foreign writer, you’d be better off trying to write it yourself. At least you wouldn’t get called out for buying a paper!

There are US and Canadian essay writing services that would only charge about $27 per page and guarantee you a native English-speaking writer without an upcharge. Shouldn’t it be that way everywhere? Since it isn’t, you might want to rethink using Fresh Essays because there’s nothing fresh about getting hosed. $52 per page is just insulting.

In a Nutshell:

Like we said, there are better essay writing services out there. Ones who don’t lure you in with a cheap quote on their main page’s price calculator, only to slap you with so many upcharges and add-on fees that you end up paying double what’s ethical!

Look around. Do your own research. You’ll see what we’re talking about. You shouldn’t have to pay several hours’ wages to get a one page essay. Come on!

Save time by going straight to our first choice in essay services at!

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