Is Superior Papers the Worst Essay Service We’ve Reviewed?

Superior Papers (

$35 per page for 2-day's notice





Quality of Work



  • Chat agent to answer basic questions
  • Easy to navigate site


  • Pushy chat agents
  • Horrible quality work
  • Missed deadlines
  • Foreign writers and chat agents
  • Don't uphold their refund policy

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Well, far be it from me to spoil the ending, but let’s just say that Superior Papers should be in a class of their own for deception, poor quality work, foreign chat agents and writers, pushiness, and confusion in the ordering process.

First Impressions While Visiting Superior Papers’ website:

When I entered, I was immediately greeted by a chat agent named Ralph. It’s funny how foreign people trying to pass themselves off as Americans will often choose outmoded names (such as Stanley, Edgar…Ralph) but nonetheless, let’s talk about our chat.

  1. When I asked “Ralph” how much a 2-page book report on “Watership Down” would be, asked me if the book report was for a history class.
  2. He used phrasing like “May I kindly know…” in his questions to me, signaling a foreign chat agent.
  3. He was extremely pushy, continually asking things like, “Ready to proceed?” and “Can we get started on your order?” when all I wanted to do was get some questions answered.
  4. I asked if I could speak to the writer before paying, to get a few questions answered. I wanted to ask whether the writer had actually read “Watership Down” before I paid. The answer was no. I needed to pay in full before asking a writer any questions.
  5. Finally, the pricing was really high for a simple 2-page book report. Look below…

I wish I could post the whole chat because it ended up being almost comical. However, I’ll just add one last bit to show you how pushy Ralph became…

I wasn’t ghosting Ralph, by the way. I was trying to navigate the site, go over my options, and ask him questions. But all he wanted to do was close the sale.

Superior Papers Writers:

The site naturally claims “most” writers are from the US, UK, and Canada, yet you have to pay premium prices to get a native English speaker. If most of the writers are English speakers, why do you have to pay the top-tier pricing for one of them to write your paper?

What Happened When We Bought a Paper from Superior Papers?

  1. We paid over $70 when it was said and done for a book report on a simple, well-known book (The House on Mango Street) and got a 79% plaigairized paper back…LATE! They missed the deadline by 2 hours.
  2. Aside from plaigairized work, there were words that were not pluralized, run-on sentences, incorrect margins, and misspellings throughout.
  3. When we asked for a refund, we were told that the writer did exactly as requested and the most “Joel” (a chat agent) would offer us was 20% off a new paper if we ordered “quickly.”

What about Reviews for Superior Papers?

The company claims to be around since 1997, yet Trustpilot (one of the biggest and most popular review sites going) has zero reviews. Look below for evidence of that.

Superior Papers has no reviews on Trustpilot.

Sitejabber shows 75 reviews, but for a company that’s been around for 24 years, that seems suspiciously low, right? Here are a few of those reviews for you to look at.


Wrapping it Up:


  1. The reviews on Sitejabber date back to 2017, so while Superior Papers is definitely lying about being around for 24 years, we can attest to them being around since 2017 at least.
  2. There is a chat agent (all too eager) to help you with basic questions. Just know that he will likely come across as pushy to close the deal.


  1. Again with the pushy chat agent (who is very obviously foreign).
  2. Ridiculous pricing when you have a reasonable deadline of, say, 2 days. For a 2-page book report it was over $70.
  3. The lowest quality of work on a finished product that we’ve ever seen while conducting our research.
  4. A website riddled with lies.
  5. A refund policy that is bogus, with the admins having zero tolerance for refund requests, no matter the circumstances.

Final Thoughts:

If you want a relaxing, positive experience ordering a paper then steer clear from Superior Papers. Let me clarify: If you want to ask a few questions before ordering (to set your mind at ease), take your time considering your options without being forced to close the deal, and be guaranteed a native English-speaking writer, then don’t use this outfit. The paper we got back was a hack job. The customer care agents could barely put sentences together, mostly giving canned responses. And the possibility of a refund was nill. Their only offer was to give us another paper at a small discount. No wonder so many reviews call this company a SCAM! We have to, sadly, concur.

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